Dwayne Johnson stars as a helicopter rescue pilot who must work together with his ex-wife (Carla Gugino) to save their daughter (Alexandra Daddario) after a massive magnitude 9 Earthquake strikes California. This last trailer really goes all out on the destruction angle, and some of the shots are indeed pretty terrifying.
Watch the terrifying new trailer right here:
“After the infamous San Andreas Fault finally gives, triggering a magnitude 9 earthquake in California, a search and rescue helicopter pilot (Dwayne Johnson) and his estranged wife (Carla Gugino) make their way together from Los Angeles to San Francisco to save their only daughter (Alexandra Daddario). But their treacherous journey north is only the beginning. And when they think the worst may be over…it’s just getting started.”
San Andreas will hit theaters on May 29, 2015.
Following the devastating tragedy in Nepal last weekend, when an earthquake caused the deaths of more than 7,000 people and left tens of thousands injured and/or homeless, this new trailer sensitively focuses on rescue and relief efforts.
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